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Michael Mirolla

La logica formale delle emozioni



ISBN 978-88-86428-83-5
Formato: 13 x 20
Pagine: 190


Prezzo: Euro 14,00



Scheda Editoriale


Niente viene dato per scontato in questa enigmatica (fin dal titolo) raccolta di racconti.

Ognuna delle sei storie pone un singolare interrogativo al lettore:

Un ragazzo sottoposto ad appendicectomia può inventarsi il resto della sua vita?

Quand’è che un sogno diventa pericolosamente reale?

Chi è Franz Hartmann e dove è finito?

È riuscito Arturo Fe ad evitare il vuoto?

Qual è il percorso corretto per scoprire la verità?

Come si può ritornare al punto di non ritorno?

Alla fine di questo viaggio, fisico e metafisico, la risposta a queste domande sarà...



Traduzione dall'inglese di Elettra Bedon



Michael Mirolla è nato a Jelsi (Molise) e all’età di cinque anni è emigrato in Canada. è autore di due romanzi (Berlin e The Boarder), due raccolte di racconti (The Formal Logic of Emotion e Hothouse Loves & Other Tales), due raccolte di poesia (Light And Time, e in inglese e italiano Interstellar Distances/Distanze Interstellari), e diverse altre opere, tra le quali il premiato Gargoyles. Il suo racconto, "A Theory of Discontinuous Existence," è stato inserito nell’annuale The Journey Prize Anthology, dedicata ai migliori racconti pubblicati nelle riviste letterarie canadesi durante l’anno, mentre un altro racconto, "The Sand Flea," ha partecipato all’U.S. Pushcart Prize. Sue opere di narrativa e poesia sono state pubblicate in numerosi giornali e antologie in Canada, Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna.



Elettra Bedon, nata a Padova, dopo aver completato gli studi in Italia si è trasferita a Montréal (Canada) dove ha conseguito, presso l’Università McGill, un Dottorato di Ricerca, approfondendo gli studi sulla letteratura in lingua veneta del ventesimo secolo. Ha pubblicato novelle e romanzi per ragazzi, poesie e saggi su poeti in lingua veneta. Fra le sue pubblicazioni sono: Il bottone, (romanzo per ragazzi), 2008; Prier avec l’Ecriture, (spiritualità), 2008; Le chemin de Marie, (méditer le Rosaire), 2007; Yoshua, 2005; L’évangile en tableax, 2005; Liber Miscellus Canadensis (poesia), 2002; Al di là della veste (saggio critico), 2000; Il filo di Arianna (letteratura del XX secolo in lingua veneta), 1999; Con altre parole (poesia), 1998; Storie di Eglia (narrativa), 1998.


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This database represents the QWF Collection, a physical collection of over 850 books assembled mostly during the last ten years. The books are housed by one of our partners in this venture, the Atwater Library and Computer Centre of Montreal, Quebec.


Michael Mirolla

Michael is a successful freelance writer with excellent experience in teaching and journalism. He also has an extensive background as a book reviewer for daily newspapers in Montreal, Calgary, Halifax, and Toronto and for literary magazines such as Prairie Fire, Matrix, Event, Dandelion, and Quarry and currently evaluates manuscripts for Harlequin.

His own published work includes collections of poetry and fiction. His book The Formal Logic of Emotion has been very well received. His short stories and poems have been published in many literary journals in Canada, the U.S., and Great Britain—as well as in several anthologies, including Tesseracts, a collection of Canadian science fiction. In 1992 his short story "A Theory of Discontinuous Existence" was selected for The Journey Prize Anthology 4 as one of the ten best stories published in Canadian literary magazines that year. He has won numerous other awards: in 1970 The Solange Karsh Medal and Ottawa Little Theatre Certificate as first prize winner of the Canadian Playwriting Competition, in 1971 the Macmillan Prize in Creative Writing, and in 1977 the Canada Council Arts Award.

Since 1989 he has been co-partner in a scriptwriting team writing feature films, sitcoms, and TV series. One of their feature film scripts was awarded a development grant from FUND, the foundation to Underwrite New Drama for pay-TV, to write the first draft for Moon of the Trickster, a feature film.

Check out Michael Mirolla's first novel, Berlin, or his latest novel, The Boarder, online. Also avalible is a collection of short stories, The Formal Logic of Emotion, and his latest collection, Hothouse Loves & Other Tales.

You can contact Michael Mirolla at michael.mirolla@qualityofcourse.com.


"I am both proud and thrilled that I have a publishing contract for my series entitled The Adventures of Laura Rose and Ashley Marie. I have also had several other pieces accepted for publication. Quality of Course has provided me with a solid foundation and lots of practical learning and skills. A special thank you to my tutor, Michael Mirolla. I appreciate all the invaluable help from everyone. Thank you sincerely."

—Debi van de Wiel, Graduate


"I've learned more about writing from this course than anything else I've tried. Without the valuable assistance of Mike Mirolla, I would no doubt still be struggling to be published. For me, the course has delivered and then some."

—Len Ross, Student


"Thank you Mike for making me more conscious of trying to be less wordy, less 'full of myself', and more imaginative. Good luck with all your undertakings. Also, best to the School. May you continue to help writers to get closer to their goals. Please keep me posted on new courses etc."

—Anne Weinstein, Graduate




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